What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a surgery also called nose surgery. It is characterized by improving the appearance of the nose in a functional and aesthetic way.
Nose surgeries are different because it depends on the anatomy of each patient. It is not possible to leave one nose the same as another, but it is about giving it the best shape according to the shape of your nose.
There are Caucasian-looking noses of European origin, they are «less wide, longer, thin and upturned» noses that combine better with elongated, oval or prominent faces. There are noses with a black, indigenous or Asian appearance «they are wider noses, bulbous at their tips, shorter and with less height» that combine better with round faces.
Many patients attend consultation with a nose ideal, but it should be recommended that the necessary changes should be made to aesthetically improve their nose. But make a faithful copy of another person’s nose with a different texture. The patient should always be advised on the best nose according to the context of his face.
The goal of rhinoplasty is to have a good size, a good height, a good tip and a nasal back. That the nose has stability of all its anatomy and that it has functionality: that is, it can breathe the same.
Rhinoplasties Can Be Of 2 Types : Augmentation Or Reducing.
- In Negroid, indigenous and Asian breeds, augmentation rhinoplasty is frequently performed due to having less projected and wider noses.
- In Caucasian races, rhinoplasty is usually reductive. This usually has a bony prominence (called a hump), and the tip is usually droopy.
- During the consultation, your Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will analyze your nose, see how it is, its projection, length, tip, and nasal back. Based on a well-done cephalometric analysis, the Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will tell you what you need and the parts of the nose that you must correct. You should always take into account which parts of the nose are most uncomfortable for patients.
- In patients who have unrealistic expectations, it should be explained that certain characteristics are not very susceptible to correction.
- The results depend a lot on the patient’s own anatomy, sometimes the patient does not have much substrate to work with.
By Its Access Roads; Rhinoplasty Is Considered To Be Possible In 2 Ways:
One). Open Rhinoplasty:
It consists of making an external incision over the nose, in order to expose the cartilage and bone. This type of rhinoplasty allows to correct all the defects of the patient. This is the surgery that the plastic surgeon performs the most. It is usually used in very complicated rhinoplasty or in those surgical reoperations. The downside is that it leaves a visible scar on the skin in the middle of the nostrils.
2) Closed Rhinoplasty :
It consists of making an internal incision over the nose, with more limited access to the cartilage and nasal bone.
It has certain advantages such as it does not leave a visible scar.
Indications for nasal surgery.
- Patients who want to improve their shape, length, back or tip of the nose.
- Patients with asymmetric noses.
- Patients with nasal deviations.
- Patients living with a blocked nostril.
- Patients with small nose, wide tip.
- Patients with large nose, tip drooping.
- Very wide nostrils.
- Patients with nasal deformity due to nasal fracture.
Rhinoplasty Pre-Surgery.
- The first thing you will do is have a private consultation with the plastic surgeon. The Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will ask you for the reasons for the rhinoplasty, the parts of the nose that you want to improve.
- The Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will carry out a careful physical examination, studying the nose, its size, its projection, the nasal angles, the quality of the bone and cartilaginous support.
- Skin type and previous scars will be evaluated.
- The presentation of nasal deviations or previous surgeries will be studied.
- You have to look at the type of face of the patient, because there must always be a combination and a good relationship between the nose and the type of face.
It is possible that your Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will carry out some studies such as life-size photographic scales. Or taking paranasal sinus scans to evaluate spurs or some nasal pathology.
The Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon César Fernández will always take photographs to study and plan the surgery.
In the second consultation, the surgeon will inform the patient of how the nose surgery will be carried out , what is the best way to do it and the result that will be obtained. In addition, you must take the money from the surgery to be able to program it in the surgical strip.
It is very important that the patient report a history of nasal trauma, nasal allergies, or nasal obstructions.
Always ask about previous medical history, surgical, allergic, trauma, drug.
How Long Does The Nose Job Last?
- Nose surgery usually lasts between 1 and 2 hours , although in complex cases or surgical reoperations, second or third surgeries may take longer. During rhinoplasty, the skin of the nose is separated from its bone and cartilage.
- Cartilage grafts from the nasal septum or ear shell may be taken to strengthen the nose. The nasal tip is then shaped with special stitches. Finally, the wound is closed with stitches.
- The surgery can be performed open, making an incision over the column.
- Or closed rhinoplasty by making an incision at the inner edge of the nostril.
- The incisions of the mucosa suture with absorbable stitches, that is, they disappear on their own.
- The skin incisions are closed with non-absorbable points, that is, they must be removed after 5 or 7 days.
- A nasal tamponade with gauze impregnated with gentamicin or nitrofurazone with oily substances may be necessary. Only in this way it is possible to reduce recovery time and avoid possible infections.
- An external nasal splint designed with plastics or plaster is always left in all patients.
- Then the splint is immobilized with micropore or bandages.
Rhinoplasty Recovery
- Just as important as nose surgery is patient care in recovery.
- In the first 24 hours you will have abundant swelling and headache. During this time, you should lie flat with your head bowed.
- It is normal for bruises to appear under your eyes that will worsen on the second and third day. An important recommendation is to apply cold compresses to the cheeks and the nasal dorsum to diminish the edema.
- In the first 2 to 3 days you will have nasal plugs that will help you to have a clean cavity and prevent bleeding. Improves breathing after removing them.
- The plastic or plaster splint will be removed after 10 days.
- In addition, with the removal of the splint, the points of the intervention will be removed.
- The return to daily life and work depend on the type of work the patient performs.
- Patients who wear glasses or are exposed to the sun at work, must be disabled for up to two months.